
Team Tryouts and Expections from Coach Valles

Parents and players,

Tryouts are less than a week away.

  • Monday, August 21st5:00-6:00pm player check-in - 6:00-8:00pm tryouts
  • Tuesday, August 22nd - 5:30-6:00pm player check-in -  6:00-7:30pm tryouts
  • Weds, August 23rd - 5:45pm player check-in - 6:00-7:30pm tryouts
  • Thursday, August 24th:  Teams will be confirmed and posted.  See Team Rosters on navigation bar.

Next. Very important requirements. All players must have their completed paperwork submitted to the Athletic Office. I don’t claim to know what that entails, but I will know if they are missing pieces because they will not be able to tryout. This rule has no grey area. If you aren’t on the list you do not participate. My hands are tied on this one, so please don’t leave anything to chance or the last minute. I know there is a new online process, with the key word being new, that usually means doesn’t work properly or is confusing. I believe the athletic office is currently open if you have any questions, concerns, or need help.

All the paperwork is turned in and the player is now eligible to try out for MIHS soccer. All Players should have the proper attire to participate in all manner of weather and playing surfaces. If they have self-administered medications or inhalers make sure this is done prior to the tryout beginning. If they have a specific warm up routine required outside the norm please make sure they arrive with enough time to get ready. If they are not 100% for whatever the reason please make sure to let the evaluators know prior to the start of the tryouts. This will not be considered a negative but will aid in the evaluation process. Please make sure your player is hydrated and they have enough water to last the entire time they are on the field. I will try to have additional water at the tryouts but I like self-efficiency. For tryouts, shin guards will be required. I prefer the shin guards inside the socks and not littering the field as they move about.

What to expect. Tryouts will consist of three days. I plan to have as many evaluators as I feel appropriate.   Among the attendees will be the MIHS coaching staff, club coaches, current adult players, and maybe even a referee. The more eyes the better. The plan is to make three teams. I know not every player is going to make the team they had hoped for, but my aim is to have the documentation that supports that decision. My goal is that no player slips through the cracks. I will use the week after tryouts to make sure that didn’t happen. I will be very active in monitoring the progress of both the JV and JVC team squads. They are the future of the program after all. I encourage every unhappy player to stick it out a week and let the dust settle before asking the why. If after that week has passed and there is still an issue I will be more than happy to discuss the situation with the player face to face. If the first reaction is to quit then I am afraid there is nothing to discuss.

Changes. In the past years tryouts have been a closed affair -- that will no longer be the case, with rules of course. Tryouts are open to all concerned adults. Below is a bullet point list of rules that will need to be followed.

·       All observers must stay on the top rows of the stadium. Do not line fences or stand down on the field. No parents on the field. The players can warm up or kick the ball around with their peers.

·       Please leave pets and small children at home. I prefer no familial or pet based distractions.

·       No interaction with players during water breaks

·       No shouting encouragement or the opposite of encouragement.

·       No cowbells or car horns

·       Keep the nervous pacing to a minimum.

·       Please don’t be that one person that the rules don’t apply.

Tryouts are never easy. I have been through enough of these as a player, parent, and coach that I know of what I speak. This is a very stressful time for some players and families. I know that these players are just kids with feelings and I will take that into consideration as best I can. I can’t promise that at the end of the tryouts all the players will be happy with the coaching decisions, but I will do everything in my power to put their minds at ease and reduce the nerves during the tryout process. I will let them know how important every player is to the program and that the opportunity to play will always be there for the player who is willing to put in the work.

I purposely did not address the issue of cutting players at this time. I do not have a final count of players attending tryouts and perhaps with three teams the dreaded cutting players won’t be necessary. If cuts will be a necessary I will let all concerned know what that process entails.


James Valles

MIHS Girls Soccer